Thursday, June 9, 2011

20SomethingPassions Guest Blogger - ReNasty4L:

“Hold on I’m about to go into the bathroom, I’m going to have to call you back.”

I’m passionate about a lot of things.  You know, the usual for a 25 y/o single working lady.   Including but not limited to food, boys, sleeping, music, running, rom coms, reality tv, the beach, puppies, rainbows, etc…although I digress.  There is one thing that I have recently become very passionate about:  cell phones in public restrooms.  I get it, no one can live without their cell phones (ahem smart phones for us snobs).  They are the equivalent to the 2K11 pacemaker keeping our hearts beating.  So don’t kid yourself, everyone is guilty of this, it’s just a matter of what degree you are an offender.
Most of you are probably just the type who keeps their phone attached to their hip (figuratively, hopefully not literally in a geeky holder unless you are a 55 y/o dad…) at all times.  While you stroll into the john you may whip out your phone to quickly check your email, play a turn on WWF, send a text to a loved one, <insert whatever obsessive compulsive cell phone tendency is your guilty pleasure>, etc.  You’re fine, although this is pretty disgusting given what else is going on in public restroom.  However, you’re not annoying me and you’re not ruining my bathroom break.  Just know I won’t ever ask to borrow your phone, and I hope you played a turn on our WWF friend (renasty4L add me!!!!)
Now onto my passion, the real offenders.  You, the one who calls and/or answers a call while in the restroom!!!!!  This is by no means okay, EVER!  No one wants to hear your conversation while they are peeing.  No one conversing with you wants to hear other people peeing.  That’s GROSS.  Also, don’t make me feel guilty for flushing the toilet (the most normal thing ever to do in the bathroom) because you, chatty Cathy in the next stall over is gabbing it up with your bff Jill.  Get your priorities straight Cathy.  Do you want to pee or do you want to talk on the phone?  These are NOT mutually exclusive events.  It’s one or the other, you either REALLY need to talk to your mom about how terrible your job, marriage, teenage daughter, drug problem, eating disorder has gotten  or you REALLY need to pee.  Woman up, make a decision, and leave us bathroom go-ers  peace and quiet.  Now this could easily transition into my rant against strangers who want to strike a convo across stalls, but I’ll save that for another day…

Photo courtesy of

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